Saturday, 30 August 2014

The Eternal Spark

The next time you are waiting for a bus, imagine how difficult your life would be without them. The next time you buy a plastic, come up with an alternative to it in less than a minute. The next time you find yourself on the business end of a food plate, imagine the plate if all the ingredients were raw. Everything that connects our lives and transcends boundaries can be traced back to one basic discovery- the discovery of fire.
Fire has been one of the most sacred items in the history of mankind. Name a culture and you would find tons of rituals that are connected to fire. Think about how different our life would be if we could not harness the true potential of fire. Every invention or discovery that man has made can be traced back to that one moment when someone had noticed two tree branches rubbing against each other, and tried replicating it with two stones. Little did he know that he would be contributing so much to the way humans would look at the world around themselves - then, now and forever.
With this discovery, we would like to demonstrate that innovation is not about complex equations in physics and mathematics. It is also about observing the little things around you and applying them in your life.
From the huge cranes that are used to lift heavier items to the tiny processor chips that modern day computers use, fire, in one form or another, is used in manufacturing everything.
So, the next time you see something that may seem insignificant to you, remember that it was a moment similar to this one that went on to become a monumental landmark in the human history.
Imagine, Innovate, Inspire.
Go ahead. Ignite your world!

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